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Title: Dirty Little Secrets


Author: C.J. Omololu

Let's ignore the cliche title this books has for a minute. Don't let it deter you -- maybe it gets better... NOT! This inferior knockoff of Peter Hedges "What's Eating GIlbert Grape" (W.E.G.G) is a load of crap. Not only does the lead character, whose name I did not even try to remember, have a mom she is embarrassed of, but she burns down the house at the end of the story. The only difference is that in W.E.G.G they burned down the house, because it contained the body of their dead mother and their dead mother's secrets, but in Dirty Little Secrets she burned down the house, because it contained the body of her dead mother and her dead mother's secrets -- OH WAIT! That's not different at all. Though W.E.G.G didn't have so much angst in it. Nothing will make you want to climb into a book and lock the main character in a burning house with their dead mother more than reading this unoriginal load of brain-cell-killing, rage-inducing, mother-murdering madness. Rating: negative 122

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